
Sunday, December 9, 2012

God is Limitless

Both you and I will have struggles that we have to face in life, but if we turn to God for his strength, we will find that we can make it through even the toughest of times with a smile on our face.  Even through moments of grief and loss, we can still smile, knowing that God is doing good things. 

Last week at church, the pastor wanted to pray over my situation (the one about me possibly having to go to prison).  After church, I told him that I sometimes feel foolish for having my situation prayed over because there are other people who have much worse situations that need prayer, such as those people who are suffering from diseases, are homeless, suffering from addictions, or are grieving the loss of a loved one.  His reply to me was very comforting, and I firmly believe that it came directly from God.  He told me that God is limitless. 

I have always read in the bible that God is limitless, but I guess I never took into consideration what being limitless really meant.  Limitless means "to be without end, limit, or boundary."  God listens to all prayer requests and attends to them without limits. He cares just as much about your situations in life as he does mine, and he cares just as much about mine as he does yours. 

Never should we cease praying or asking for God's help about a situation simply because we think other peoples' prayers are more important.  If we serve the one and only Living God, we serve a God who is not limited in time, power, or strength. 

As I have said many times before, prayer is our most powerful resource that God has given to us.  Praise be to his name that it is also our most abundant. 

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

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