
Monday, January 7, 2013

Could Be My Last Posting for Awhile

As I sit here tonight, I don't suppose I have ever been so nervous in my entire life.  For the past eight months I have been awaiting to discover if I have to go to jail.  I made a horrible mistake last year and on November 20th of last year, I pled guilty to an Assault in the 2nd Degree charge. 

The girl that I "assaulted" received no serious injury, but still, I am guilty.  It is so weird going from one day into the next knowing that little me assaulted someone.  I mean, in a million years I never thought I would be going to jail for assault.  Anywho, tomorrow I go up for sentencing.  The judge and prosecutor have agreed to probation, but there is a chance the victim could step in and try to protest my probation.  The weird thing is that I have been praying every night for the past eight months that this girl would forgive me and have mercy on me, and now I am being told that my very outcome of the situation is going to be based on her forgiveness.  The very thing that I have been praying about is what my situation is going to be based on.  Weird uh?  I kind've think it's weird, but then again I know it's just the way God works. 

I really don't wanna go away.  In fact, every ounce of emotion within me is trying to keep from crying because I am scared to death that I am going to have to go away.  I made a mistake.  I didn't even mean to harm the girl in an intentional manner.  I don't even know this girl.  She is an innocent bystander who unfortunately got caught up in a moment of rage of mine.  I know consequences have to be paid, but O, my God, hear my plea.  Rain your mercy down on me please.  Tomorrow I want to be here typing words of praise to you.  Not sitting in a jail cell.  But even if I go away, I will be praising my sweet Jesus. 

This very well may be my last posting for awhile, but hopefully not.  Please keep me in your prayers. 


  1. God is there with you!He will show you He is a forgiving God!You will not go to jail if God does not allow it.Trust God and He will take good care of you.

  2. I've looked around your blog and you never mention the crime you got arrested for. What did you get arrested for?

    1. I was arrested for Wanton Endangerment in the First; however, I ended up pleading guilty to Assault in the Second after I was indicted on Assault in the First.
