
Friday, December 14, 2012

Sad Teardrops

I guess during the Columbine shooting I was too young to take in the true effects of the disaster.  During the horrific tragedy that occured at Virgina Tech in 2007, I guess I was too strung out on illegal substances to care.  Today, I am grieved.  I keep reading articles about the shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut, and I can't stop myself from crying. 

I can only think to myself, "What went through the children's minds?"  I like to believe that out of such a tragedy, God at least let the children die instantly, without pain.  For those children who were sent to the hospital, I also hope they endured no physical or emotional pain.  For some reason, this tragedy is one that will affect me for a long time.  I have deep sympathy for the parents of the children who were killed.  I will praying for them. 

I keep reminding myself, there is a reason behind this, as well as something good that can come from it.  As I have said many times before in my postings, beautiful things can come out of the messiest things in life.  It is hard to see and comprehend right now that God is bringing good things out of this sad situation, but I have faith that he has already prepared beautiful things to blossom from it.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

All I Want for Christmas is a Miracle

Wow!  Is Christmas really almost here?  As a child, I can remember literally counting down the days until I would awake and run downstairs to find what Santa brought me.  One year, I took a nap on Christmas Eve, and once I had awoke, I ran downstairs thinking it was Christmas only to discover that Santa had not come.  I was devastated.  Completely heart broken.  I thought that Santa must have for some reason put my name on the naughty list.  To my relief, my mother found me crying by the Christmas tree and informed me that it was not yet Christmas. 

Anywho, don't really know why I shared that memory, but I always think about it at Christmas time.  For this Christmas, I wish I could get one of those cards that's in the pic above.  GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD.  I am so worried about whether or not I will have to go to jail on January 8, 2013, and then on top of that, if I have to go, I have no idea for how long I will be gone.  All I know is that my maximum sentence is up to five years.  Five years!!!  That's a long time to be away from my family and loved ones. 

What I have to keep reminding myself is that the only reason I may have to go to jail is because of a foolish mistake that I MYSELF made last year.  It's no one else's fault.  One bad choice can bring about serious consequences in one's life.  We would all be wise to take that to heart.  

So, basically, all I want for Christmas this year is a miracle.  I want God to give me a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card by having my judge grant me probation when I stand in front of him in January; however, I fully understand and accept the fact that being granted probation very well may not happen.  So, if I don't get granted probation, I would like for God to at least work things out so that I can stay in the local county jail instead of being sent to an actual prison.  On top of that and mostly, I pray that he fully prepares my family on emotional, mental, and financial levels to be OK while I am gone. 

The Lord is a God of no limits, so I am confident that he will have my situation worked out just as it should be.  Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

One of the greatest things that I have learned over the past year is that I never again have to be in the situation that I am in right now.   I never have to live the same lifestyle that I used to live because I am now serving a living God who died for my sins and who has redeemed me.  He gives me the power to overcome my past lifestyle.  He has literally set me free.  Even though I may have to go away behind bars, I have still been set free.  Praise be to the One and Only God!! I love you Jesus!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

God is Limitless

Both you and I will have struggles that we have to face in life, but if we turn to God for his strength, we will find that we can make it through even the toughest of times with a smile on our face.  Even through moments of grief and loss, we can still smile, knowing that God is doing good things. 

Last week at church, the pastor wanted to pray over my situation (the one about me possibly having to go to prison).  After church, I told him that I sometimes feel foolish for having my situation prayed over because there are other people who have much worse situations that need prayer, such as those people who are suffering from diseases, are homeless, suffering from addictions, or are grieving the loss of a loved one.  His reply to me was very comforting, and I firmly believe that it came directly from God.  He told me that God is limitless. 

I have always read in the bible that God is limitless, but I guess I never took into consideration what being limitless really meant.  Limitless means "to be without end, limit, or boundary."  God listens to all prayer requests and attends to them without limits. He cares just as much about your situations in life as he does mine, and he cares just as much about mine as he does yours. 

Never should we cease praying or asking for God's help about a situation simply because we think other peoples' prayers are more important.  If we serve the one and only Living God, we serve a God who is not limited in time, power, or strength. 

As I have said many times before, prayer is our most powerful resource that God has given to us.  Praise be to his name that it is also our most abundant. 

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

17 Pray without ceasing. 18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Carat for Me Cause He Loves Me

I woke up this morning in a really bad mood.  I have a tendency to do this, but rarely as bad a mood as the one I awoke in today. 

Anyways, to fix a bad mood, for me, I always try to talk things over with Eddie.  So, I text my bf of seven years and asked him to come home and spend the day with me.  Being that it had rained, he was off work and he said he was more than willing to drive all the way from Louisville (over an hour away) to spend the day with me.  I am so blessed to have him within my life.  That man really will do anything for me.  He would drive all the way around the world to spend time with me.  He is so wonderful. 

Before he got here, he told me he wanted me to look something up on the Internet.  He gave me the web address and when I looked at it I was in awe.  He asked me if I liked what I saw, and if I did, he was going to buy it for me (which he did).  Well, you have probably already guessed that what he was asking me about is in the picture engagement ring.  He said he wanted to surprise me, but most of all, he wanted to make sure that I liked the ring.  I ain't too much into surprises, and anyone that knows me knows that, so I'm not at all upset that he chose to go ahead and inform me that he wants to get engaged. 

The only catch is, this will be the second time we are engaged.  But I don't suppose that's really a catch.  The first time around things didn't really work out.  There were bad choices made on both of our parts, but through God's help, we have both been able to forgive each other for the poor decisions made, and most importantly, we have grown to love each other through our mistakes. 

I guess when I sit back and think about it I wouldn't change a thing.  Eddie and I are perfect the way we are.  We may not be perfect individuals, but together, we make a great couple, and we share a great life together!!  Our lives put together are a divine combination.  I can testify to that because I see proof of it everyday through our son. 

I hope and pray that each one of you who reads this posting gets to experience the kind of love with someone that Eddie and I share.  It truly is something special.  It's not everyday that something so wonderful and beautiful can be made out of something that was at one time such a mess.  Just always remember, if you have something that is a mess in your life, good things can come out of it.  Hand it over to God; he can create beauitful things out of the messiest things in life.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Random Egg

How are things going for you?  I hope well.  Sorry I haven't posted in quite a while.  Well, actually I did, but then I deleted my last posting cause I thought it to be a little bit lot rude. 

Anywho, things around here are going good.  Great actually!!!  Anyone who keeps up with my postings knows that I have been long awaiting to find out if I have to go to prison.  Well, I plead guilty to my charges last week, but took a plea deal.  At the worst, it's looking like up to year in jail, but hopefully, with some mercy raining down from my beloved Lord Jesus, I will be granted probation.  Everyone seems to think that I am a great candidate for probation, but I'm always thinking the worse, so I'm preparing myself to do some time.  Anyways, I know God is walking beside me, holding my hand, and He is preparing me for whatever is to come my way.

On to other things.  Eddie, my sister, her BF, and I all went Black Friday shopping last week.  I had prepared myself for this day for quite some time, only to be disappointed that the day went nothing like I wanted it to.  I found myself being a very negative person.  Every time we purchased a gift for someone, I got in a bad mood cause I knew we were soon to be broke.  That's not a good gift-giving spirit is it?  I don't think so either.  The plan was to be broke by the time we got home, so I don't know why I got so mad about spending all the money we took with us.  Anywho, we are going again this weekend, only this time I am praying that God will help me to have a better attitude.  I sure better, or Eddie is sure to never go shopping with me again unless I make him.

We took my sister and her BF to Longhorn and enjoyed a really good meal.  When my sister's steak came out, it had a random egg on it.  It was weird, but we all laughed, and it was just what I needed to lighten my mood.  Funny how God works.  Sometimes all it takes is a random egg to make me feel better. 

Hope you have a wonderful day!!!! God bless!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Good Note for a Good Day

There is nothing wrong with wanting a little recognition every now and then.  Even my four year old thinks this way.  He came home today with the note that you can see in the pic above.  Obviously, he has been being good at school and wanted to be recognized for it. 

Sometimes, I wish there was someone to whom I could say, "Please write a good note for me today."  However, since there is not, I have to keep in mind that my good deeds and days of obedience are not going unrecognized.  One day I will be held accountable for my behavior, and even though I may not get a good note to hang on the refrigerator, come Judgment Day, my name being wrote in the Book of Life will be of much greater value.

Point of my posting is, even though good deeds go unrecognized sometimes, in the end, we will be rewarded for them.  For every day that we have a good day, God is jotting it down. He's keeping his own notebook.  I want his notebook on me to be full of notes like the one in the above pic.  How about you?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Holy Moly


My son is so amazingly awesome.  Born at only 35 weeks and weighing in at only four pounds in July of 2008, he has been a fighter and tough little man from the day he entered this world.  He is so strong willed, exactly like his father, and has by far been the biggest blessing within my life, and I am ever-so-thankful for him.  He can be pretty funny too.  Below is a conversation he had with me the other day.  It tickles me every time I think about it.

Me: Holy crap.
My son: Holy sh*t.
Me: Lucas, where did you hear that at?!! Cause the only curse word you have heard out of mine or your daddy's mouth starts with a D.
My son: What was it? Shutup?