
Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Broke My Toe, Again!

Well, I did it again.  I broke my pinky toe.  I first broke it when I believe I was about 12 years old.  I was going down a tunnel waterslide at Holiday World only to find that a kid was stuck in it.  My foot rammed into his back so hard that it broke my toe.  I couldn't walk for almost two weeks. 

This time, I broke it on my mom's exercise bike.  Sad thing is, I wasn't exercising.  I was simply trying to walk around it.  Early yesterday morning, I was walking through her room, and then, toe hit her bike.  I immediately knew I had probably broke it.  It doesn't hurt today near as bad as it did yesterday, but as you can see in the pic above, it is turning into a nasty looking little toe. 

Why wasn't I more careful?  Why did I have to turn something so simple as walking through a room into something that caused my poor little toe to break again?  Lol.   That's the typical me.  Always turning simple tasks into something that brings about pain. 

Moral of my posting is take time to do the little things.  If you don't do them right, this can lead to painful circumstances.  Even the simplest things, such as walking, must be accomplished with caution. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I Answered All of Them

1) Whitney Leigh White             23) my son
2) 26/Aries                                  24) good and getting better
3) Writer                                     25) Christmas
4) the first one                            26) don't have one
5) don't have one                        27) enjoying freedom, writing, spending time with my loved ones
6) don't have one                        28) I like sleep more than I should
7) P.S. I Love You                     29) tiny dogs
8) The Bible                               30) don't have any
9) Good Luck Charlie                31) not knowing if I have to go to prison
10) don't have one                      32) my son and his father
11) Matthew McConaughey      33) reading the bible and chewing my fingernails
12) reading, surfing the web      34) hotfries and hot wings
13) writing and playing piano    35) Josh Hartnett
14) make it through to heaven   36) three
15) science/math                        37) ???
16) my mom and Eddie             38) my man--tall, dark, handsome, country
17) Creepin                                39) forever taken
18) American Honey                 40) a home with my son and Eddie
19) buying a car                         41) content and loved
20) Disney music but I love it   42) going to prison, be separated from my son
21) falling out of a tree house   43) wildflowers, storms, going out to eat, good music
22) Eddie

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cure Anxiety with Mexican Food

Today turned out to be a really good day.  At first, I didn't know how well it was gonna go because I was overwhelmed with anxiety.  My son got invited to a birthday party for a boy who is in his pre-school class, and being that he is only four years old, his father and I thought it best that we stay with him instead of leaving him with complete strangers that we do not know. 

So, why does this type of situation make me anxious?  Well, I am not a people person.  Social situations often make me freak out.  All week I had been trying to prepare myself for this 5 year old's birthday party, but yet when today got here, I got to the point where I was almost throwing up.  I thought to myself, "Whitney, get it together.  Your 'lil boy wants to go to his friend's party, so you are gonna have to suck it up and do your best to get through it." 

Finally, after sleeping half the day away cause I felt like my stomach was literally being tied into a knot, I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for the party.  At the last minute, my little brother who is only a year older than my son decided he wanted to go to the party.  So, there we were.  Two little ones, my son's father, and I all on our way to this party that I was so nervous about attending.  We get to the city park where the party is supposed to be taking place, and immediately I notice something is missing.  There are no pirate balloons.  The invitation said to be on the lookout for pirate balloons, but there were none in sight. 

How could this happen?   This party that I had become so anxious about attending was not even taking place.  Turns out, a dip in the day's temperature caused the party to be moved to the little boy's grandmother's house.  The little boy's mom was unable to reach me and was not able to tell me about the relocation.  I felt so sorry for my son and my little brother that they were going to miss out on the party, but in my head my thoughts were doing joyous flips :)   What's even better is that since we missed out on the party, my son's father decided he wanted to take us all out to eat at a local Mexican restaurant.  I love Mexican food!!

What happened today reminded me that there are so many things in life that I get anxious about for no reason.  So many mole hills that I turn into mountains.  I really need to reevaluate the things that I get anxious about.  I mean, even if the birthday party had been going on, I'm sure everything would have went great, and that my son's father and I would have probably met some really nice people.  And as for all the other issues that I get anxious about, I need to constantly remind myself that they are only temporary, and the odds are, they are probably much smaller problems than I turn them out to be. 

So, the point of today's posting is 'don't waste your time being anxious...go do whatever you got to do and then go eat Mexican' ;)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sometimes I Don't Know What to Write About

Sometimes I don't know what to write about. During these past two weeks, my inspiration to write has not really been there. It's not that I am getting to a point where I don't like writing. It's just that nothing too exciting has really happened; however, for that I am thankful. I am perfectly content with no surprises. No emotional turn-abouts. No drama. And definitely no run ins with the legal system. I just wish my mind would spark back up and provide me with some good ideas and topics to write about.

As for tonight, when trying to decide what I want to write about, the only thought that has dawned on me is to write about how my troubles over the past few months have left a positive impact on my life. See, I have learned that no matter how bad life gets, good can come out of troublesome times. Positive aspects exist in every situation, but we can only see them if we have our eyes open.

My life seems kinda screwed up right now. It is only by God's grace that I am not sitting behind bars because I am out on bond. I have a curfew that I have to abide by which makes it impossible to go out of town at night. And there are especially no out of state trips going on for me. At one time in my life, abiding by a curfew would have been something that I would not have done. I would have lived life on the edge and risked being put in jail just so I could fulfill my selfish desires; however, I am not that person anymore. God has taken my troubles and changed me through them. Literally, I am a completely new and better person than I used to be.

Even after I had my son four years ago, I continued to make selfish choices, but now I do my best to put others first. I guess the best thing that has come about from my troubles is that I am a better mother. I spend more quality time with my son, and I do a much better job at attending to my motherly responsibilities.

Another positive thing that has come about is that I am being provided a tremendous amount of time to spend with my family. Being on a curfew and living at my parent's home really means I'm putting in the hours with my family. And it's been a really good time spending these past few months with them.

Lastly, my personal time spent with God has increased a hundred fold compared to what it used to be. I really take my time now seeking His will for my life. I understand that He has sovereignly allowed my troublesome times to occur in my life, and that there is some purpose behind what is going on. I'm doing my best to understand what it is that He wants me to learn.

My life is so less hectic than it used to be. So much more peaceful. I never would have thought that I could be a person who finds peace in life even when facing up to 20 years in prison, but through
God's grace, He has allowed me to come to terms with the fact that I am not in control of life. He is. I hate the thought of having to go away from my family, especially my dear, precious son, but if God allows it to happen, then I know that He is using me to accomplish some purpose of His. More importantly, I know that He does not actually need me to accomplish His purposes; but, through His mercy, He is choosing to use me because He loves me.

Whether I have to go away or not, is up to Him. If He chooses to not use me behind bars, then I know that there is some purpose He wants me to fulfill out here in the world.   More importantly, I also keep in mind that there is some purpose He is accomplishing through me at this very moment. 

Just remember, no matter where you go, God is always there, and He always has some purpose that He is accomplishing.  No matter the troubles and trials that you are facing, God is using them for a good purpose. Let Him have His way with you. For many years I resisted the fact that He is ever so present in my life, and that got me nowhere except facing a long time in prison. Don't be like me. Accept Him for who He is. He is everything. He is God.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

This Past Week Was Good

This past week was really good.  Mom and dad and the siblings went to Walt Disney World.  They had an awesome time, but they did mention that it was much hotter this time than it has been in the years past.  I would have went and took my lil one but my legal troubles forbid me from being out past 6pm; however, the good 'ole Honeyfest was going on in the nearby town of Clarkson.  We took Lucas, and he had a blast.  He played a fishing game, and after winning he was told he could pick out any prize he wanted...he ended up choosing one of the toy guns.  Lol, I wanted him to pick out one of the large stuffed animals, but he wasn't gonna let that happen.  It was too bad mom and dad couldn't be here to watch him ride rides, but they did get to watch him at the county fair this year. 

All in all, it was a really great week.  The family flew back in today, and so now the home front is back to being loud and hectic, but that's the way I prefer it.  One of the best things that has come about out of my legal troubles is that it has caused me to slow down and savor the good things in being around and with my family.  God has blessed me tremendously with a loving family, and for that I am forever grateful.

I feel like the past couple of weeks have been a really mellow point in my life.  There hasn't been any drama, nor any high points.  It's been kind of peaceful.  God is really teaching me patience as well as thankfulness.  Just a couple of months ago my legal troubles constantly kept me on edge.  Kept me awake at nights.  Now, through God's grace and help, I am learning to release every struggle, anxious thought, and concern of mine into His hands.  I can't control how my legal troubles will be resolved.  Only He can.  Now that I'm learning He is control, it is allowing me to let go of my battles and enjoy life.  I am slowly learning that my battles are not mine...they are His. 

Not only have I released my legal matters into His hands, but many of my other concerns as well; these include financial issues, relationship matters, and much more.  The more I let go of them, the more He shows me that I am on the right track and that He is in control and taking care of everything. 

Thank you God for constantly showing me you are in control. 
Thank you family for being the best family I could ever have.
Thank you Eddie for loving me.
Thank you Lucas for being such a wonderful son.
Thanks to each of you who take your time to read my postings...God bless you!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Summer to Fall: The Seasons of Life are Always Changing

After a restless night of sleep, today turned out to be probably the most beautiful day of the year so far.  There was a crisp breeze in the air that reminded me we are yet again fixing to enter into a new season of the year.  I love this time of year when a changing of seasons takes place.  If you haven't taken a look at my posting titled My Changing of Seasons, you should definitely give it a read. 

All of us are always going through a changing of seasons within our own lives.  These changes can be felt to a great degree when we allow ourselves to take them in.  Sometimes, we may not want to open ourselves up to them because it may appear that changing from one season into another is a tiresome and exhausting task; however, we should always remember every season brings forth opportunities of growth.  Even the seasons that we dread entering into, good can come out of them. 

Not all seasons in our life are we going to look forward to.  Some people don't look forward to Fall and Winter, just the same as some people dread Spring and Summer; however, each season has its own advantages.  By successfully making it through each season, the ones that follow become that much more sweeter. 

If you are entering into a season of your life that you're not looking forward to, take time to identify the things in your life that you are thankful for.  In doing so, your fear and anxiety tied to the future will quickly fade.  Thankfulness can wipe away your worries of defeat.  If you are entering into a season in which you have for a long time been anticipating, take time to thank God for the season he is blessing you with. 

I was reading Joshua earlier today and what I have gathered so far out of this amazing book is that God can help us become victorious over any struggles that we may be facing in our life.  Every season in our life will present its own troubles, but God can help us joyously overcome them.  This book also pointed out that we are most vulnerable to be defeated after a victory has been obtained.  We would be wise to take these words to heart just like every other word written in the bible. 

Through God we can reach victory.  But, victory is many times followed by defeat because we often times forget who the victory was achieved through.  Everything we have we owe thanks to Jesus for.  Every season is presented to us only by his grace. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Callin' Names is not Nice

Calling people names really isn't nice, especially if a person is not confident in the person that he or she is.  Take for example, if someone calls a person a 'cheatin meth whore,' this can lead to devastation in that person's life if he or she begins to delve on the past and begins considering that maybe the label really does apply.

However, as long as a person views him or herself through the eyes of God, then it is clear to conclude that the label does not fit.  Maybe a person at one time or another made some poor choices in the past, but the past is the past, it need not stick around during the present or future.

So, keeping all the above said in mind, people should understand that calling names is simply immature, and if spoken to a person who has not came to grasp with the fact that he or she is a prince or princess in the eyes of God, calling names can in fact lead to a person developing a poor self-image about one's self.

We would all be wise to remember that each of us has a past.  Most of these pasts are full of regretted choices, guilt, and shame, but they do not have to dictate who we are today.  Our present time here on this earth does not have to be labeled with mistakes we made years ago, weeks ago, or even yesterday.

And to those of you who can't bite your tongue and feel the need to relinquish immature thoughts on others, just know that you are no better than anyone else.  In fact, you are no better and no less.  You are simply who you make yourself out to be.  Don't make yourself out to be some immature dude who can only feel better about yourself by calling other people names.  Understand that you are loved by many people in this world including the Almighty God and me.  You don't have to bring other people down in order for you to feel good on the inside.  You yourself have many great qualities in you that you should focus on.   All people have good qualities inside of them.  Don't cover them up with negative ones.  Don't make people forget the good side of you by opening your mouth and calling someone a name.  You are too good to act like that.