
Friday, July 20, 2012

The People that Affect Me

Some people will never know how they affect my life.  And I am sure, I will never fully understand how I affect the lives of those people around me.  While there are a couple people in my life who have definitely affected me in a negative way, I do not want to waste my time writing about them in this post.  Instead, I prefer to talk about those who have been nothing but pure blessings in my life.

Let's start with my parents.  Throughout my entire life, my parents have affected me in only a positive manner.  They have continually guided me by setting a good example for me.  When times get rough, my parents have always been here for me.  When times are going good, they have always been here to lift me up with praises.  Needless to say, they have stuck by my side through both thick and thin.

My sister has been another person who has positively affected me.  She is a person of great potential, and through her efforts in reaching her potential, I have learned the value of perseverance and endurance. 

Now moving on to a very important person who has extremely affected me more than any other son.  At only four years old, this little boy of mine affects me in ways that no other human being could.  He has helped me realize what life is about.  It's about getting through the good times, getting through the tough times, all the while guiding and walking alongside those people around us that we love.  He has helped me become a better person. 

I hope that each and every person in my life who has been a positive influence understands how deeply I appreciate them.  I know I have not been the easiest person to get along with, nor have I been the most positive influence in several peoples' lives, but I promise to do better.  I promise to give back what I have been given. 

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